Serving the Jewish Community
The committee members, volunteers and community workers hold that:-
Each individual has the right to self-fulfilment proved that the rights of others are not violated.
Every committee member, volunteer and community worker has the responsibility to develop their skills to enable them to aid the individuals and groups with our community in their development.
Every committee member, volunteer and community worker has within all aspects of their work as a volunteer, a primary obligation to the objectives of the QJCS service which takes precedence over personal interests, aims or views.
1. Confidentiality and Privacy: The committee members, volunteers and community workers will respect the privacy of clients and hold all information obtained in the course of their volunteer service in confidence, except where the law demands otherwise.
2. Commitment to Social Justice: The committee members, volunteers and community workers will be committed to enhance the opportunities for those most vulnerable in our community.
3. Client Self Determination: The committee members, volunteers and community workers will make every effort to foster the client’s freedom of choice
4. Personal Integrity: The committee members, volunteers and community workers will act in a way consistent with the highest principles of honesty and personal responsibility.
5. Competence and Development: The committee members, volunteers and community workers will maintain and strive to improve the proficiency of their service.
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